Get Involved
We are actively welcoming sponsors, donations to our GoFundMe and volunteers to join our community to support the learners of Wise Earth Elementary
Forest School.
Tel: 250-995-8569
Email: sarah@wiseearthforestschool.com

We are a new initiative, and are fixing our roof, creating new play structures, building our resource library and a making new spaces for children to connect with our rabbits and ducks. We would very much appreciate any donations that you may wish to support us with! Please check out our GoFundMe campaign to donate today!

We are deeply invested in building a community to support the children of Wise Earth Forest School.
We welcome parent volunteers, guest speakers and mentors to join us to share their passion, expertise and love of learning.
We have monthly work parties where you can help us to work behind the scenes on making ropes courses, bushcraft structures and pens for our animals.
Please send us a message below if you would like to be a part of this awesome community!